For you, our valued customer!
Updated 2/2/19 @ 11:00 pm EST
Here are the results!
1st Quarter = Red
2nd Quarter = Green
3rd Quarter = Pink
4th Quarter = Blue
Just like those office squares you've for sure partaken in our Super Bowl 54 promotion offers you the chance to win big bucks, TSE bucks that is.
Every order over $125 from 7:00 PM EST, January 20th thru 11:59 PM EST, February 1st will receive one (1) square. Each square is assigned randomly by TSE. The numbers for each row and column will be randomly assigned on February 2nd at Noon EST.
Now for the fun stuff.... the prizes!
1st Quarter - $50 TSE Gift Card
Half - $100 TSE Gift Card
3rd Quarter - $50 TSE Gift Card
Final - $200 TSE Gift Card
OT Final (if applicable) - $200 TSE Gift Card
Check back here often, the graphic above will be updated each day with updated square assignments. We will use your order # to assign squares, names will not be used.
Here are the rules:
- Each order over $125 from 7:00 PM EST, January 20th thru 11:59 PM EST, February 1st gets one (1) square
- Square placement is randomly decided by TSE
- Placement will be within 24 hours of order
- Above graphic will be updated with Order #’s only, no names will be used
- Applicable on new orders only
- Squares are available on a first come, first serve basis.
- TSE’s copy of the promotion, including square placement, is final. NO reproductions or any other versions of this promotion will be accepted
- Prizes
- $50 for 1st Qrt
- $100 for Half
- $50 for 3rd Qrt
- $200 for Final
- $200 for OT (if applicable)
- Promotion becomes live after 75% of squares are assigned. Should all squares not be filled by the promotion deadline:
- Empty squares will be assigned to highest values orders
- For example, if the highest order total is $500 that order will be assigned an additional square. If the next highest order is $450, that order will be assigned a new square, and so on. This process will be done until the squares are filled.
- If 75% of squares are not filled by deadline date the promotion is void.